
All our beef is sourced from East anglian farms, East Anglia has long been recognised as an area of outstanding natural beauty, managed for centuries through sustainable cattle grazing.

Extensive farming across the marshland pastures have played an instrumental part in preserving this diverse habitat and its wildlife. These rich pastures have become renowned for producing some of the most natural and premium quality beef in the whole of the UK.

The combination of a premium, naturally reared product with traditional butchery craftmanship is what gives our beef the excellent reputation it has earnt.

Bavette £20.00 per kg
Popular French steak

Fillet steak £67.50 per kg
The most tender steak of all.

Fillet steak
Sirloin steak £42.50 per kg
Perfectly tender, full on flavour steak

Sirloin steak
Ribeye steak £52.00 per kg
Beautifully marbled steak bursting with flavour

Ribeye steak
Rump steak £27.50 per kg
Great value and flavoured steak

Rump steak
Minute Steak £20.00 per kg
Topside of beef cut thin and tenderised.

Minute Steak
Cote Du Boeuf Prices start from: £35.00
Ribeye on the bone

Cote Du Boeuf
Onglet £20.00 per kg
Onglet or Hangar steak

Flat Iron Steak £22.00 per kg
Steak from the forequarter

Flat Iron Steak
Rib of Beef On The Bone Prices start from: £40.00
King of Roasts!

Rib of Beef On The Bone
Corner Topside £19.00 per kg
Corner Topside
Topside £18.00 per kg
Topside or Silverside

Brisket £15.00 per kg
Brisket is amazing slow roasted

Rolled Rump £27.50 per kg
Good value roasting joint

Rolled Rump
Striploin £42.00 per kg
dry aged Joint of Sirloin

Corner Rump £19.00 per kg
Corner Rump
LMC £15.00 per kg
Silverside £18.00 per kg
Silverside of Beef For roasting

Beef Bones Prices start from: £2.50
2 pieces of bones

Beef Bones
Lean Mince Beef £12.00 per kg
Lean minced beef

Lean Mince Beef
Diced Shin £13.00 per kg
Diced shin of beef

Diced Shin
Chuck Steak £13.50 per kg
Chuck steak great for slow cooked dishes

Chuck Steak
Lean Braising Steak £14.40 per kg
Diced blade or shoulder of beef

Lean Braising Steak
Short Ribs £15.00 per kg
Beef Ribs, American favourite

Short Ribs
Skirt £19.00 per kg
A beef cut great for slow cooking
